
A collection of JavaScript packages for creative coders

Primary LanguageJavaScript

@bieb build

@bieb is a collection of JavaScript packages for creative coders who work in browsers or node.js.


Package Description
@bieb/box Math with boxes
@bieb/post WebGL post processing in a separate WebGL context (useful for 2D canvas art)
@bieb/vector Vector math


This repository is heavily inspired by @thi.ng/umbrella. Wheras @thi.ng/umbrella seems to focus on completion, @bieb aims to be easy to install and use and have a low footprint. Also, I get to reuse my own stuff and hopefully I’ll learn something.

What the hell does bieb mean?

This is a library of stuff to support creative coders. Translating library to Dutch, we get ‘bibliotheek’ which is often shortened to ‘bieb’.