This project makes use of a few frameworks:
- EntityFramework:
- Pomelo.EntityFrameworkCore.MySql (MariaDB):
To setup your local development environment, follow these steps:
Copy or write down your bots token, you will need it later Make sure you install HeidiSQL with the installer, unless you enjoy typing SQL manually.
- Clone the project
- Open cmd.exe
- Run the following commands:
- setx circusBotToken PasteBotTokenHere
- setx dbpass ChooseAPasswordHere
- Open HeidiSQL (installed with MariaDB)
- Create a new database locally, make sure you use the same password as above
- Add your discord bot to a server
- Open the .sln in Visual Studio
- In the package manager console, type: Update-Database
- Run the project in visual studio
- You can try typing "$testcommand" in your discord server to see if the bot is alive and well.
- Go to store
- Buy a different computer
- See "Windows" or "Linux"
For tims sanity, this is how to update the bot:
- Make sure environment variables are set:
- export circusBotToken={BotToken}
- export dbuser=admin
- export dbpass={pass}
- do a git pull
- dotnet publish CircusGroupsBot
- dotnet migrate CircusGroupsBot
- nohup ./CircusGroupsBot &
Now I won't spend an hour re-remembering this twice a year