
Simple utility for parsing CSV data for offers and creating an XML file.

Primary LanguageRuby

CSV to XML Parser

This is not a general purpose parser. It is a simple parser designed to convert a specific type
of CSV file to a specific XML format.


This requires Ruby 1.9.×. If you want to use it with early versions of ruby, use the FasterCSV gem and adjust the code as needed.

The CSV format

40112_existing,94.97,Digital + 1M + ULD,“NOW, GET MORE\n\n100+ channels of the best shows.\n\nInternet speeds up to 1Mbps.\n\nUnlimited long distance calling.”

It expects the Bullets column to include zero or more returns, and converts the paragraphs as follows:

  • The first paragraph becomes the headline
  • The following paragraphs are checked with a regular expression to place them into a “data”, “phone”, or “video” bullet.
  • The services nodes are populated by testing with the same expression.


> cd /path_to_project
> ruby offer2xml.rb file_to_parse [optional_save_to_file]

If the optional argument is left off, the file name will be offers.xml and it will be saved in the same directory as the script.

Running Tests

> cd /path_to_project
> ruby test/offer_test.rb

That’s it. A very simple utility.