iOS Assignment

Fork this repository to answer the assignment.


We would like to see your interpretation of an applcation's login flow.

The user starts on a screen that has a 'login' button in the navigation bar. When tapped, a username/password request is shown.

Invalid email/pass combos should be handled and the user gracefully informed of their error (email must contain an '@' with characters on either side, and password must be ≥6 characters).

You should mock a server to handle the submission of the credentials. For this assignment assume that everyone with an @shopgun email address has an account, and that their passwords are the same as the local part of their email.

On successful authentication return to the original screen, and now provide a logout button.

You are free to improvise with all aspects of the design/UX of this login flow, as long as the user can login with an email/pass combo, have it authenticated by a server, and then logout again once successful.


  • Use obj-c

Bonus Points

  • Forgot password prompt.
  • Create user prompt.
  • Simulate occasional slow/bad server responses.
  • Persist login state (we would be receiving a token response from the server on success).
  • Documentation.
  • Unit tests.

Have fun!