A high-level way to execute AppleScript code through Node.js, and retrieve
the result as a native JavaScript object. Underneath the hood, this
module is just a simple wrapper around the macOS osascript
AppleScripts are the only way to communicate and interact with certain external macOS processes, for example iTunes.
$ npm install applescript
The node-applescript
module provides execString
and execFile
to easily execute AppleScript commands and buffer the output into a calback.
const applescript = require('applescript');
// Very basic AppleScript command. Returns the song name of each
// currently selected track in iTunes as an 'Array' of 'String's.
const script = 'tell application "iTunes" to get name of selection';
applescript.execString(script, (err, rtn) => {
if (err) {
// Something went wrong!
if (Array.isArray(rtn)) {
for (const songName of rtn) {
works the exact same way, except you pass the path of the AppleScript
) file as the first argument instead of the command itself, and you
may pass an optional Array of String arguments to send to the applescript file.
Each function takes an optional last parameter timeout (in milliseconds) to kill the applescript process if it stops responding.
The node-applescript
module is licensed under the MIT license, of course!