Tool for building macOS installer packages and Munki pkginfos for Adobe Creative Cloud license files.
- amanaplanSt. Petersburg, FL
- anotherspotTrinity Christian School
- arthurfm
- awildeoneVancouver, BC, Canada
- bdrenoUniversity of Colorado Boulder
- bje::1
- bmccarthy-yiss
- bradclareiAdvance IT
- chrisgrandeConnecticut
- cshepp1211Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
- erikng
- gb330033University of Texas at Austin
- gmarnin
- golbiga
- gretelHensel Consulting
- hfikeMaryland, United States
- hironoYokohama, Japan
- hjuutilainenUniversity of Jyväskylä and @coreservice
- hyperperceptiveHyperPerceptive
- joshua-d-millerSpotify
- kevinstrick
- leinieboy
- letrast
- loceeeBrisbane, Australia
- maxschlapfer
- mpeskiUMC Utrecht
- onecooltacoArizona State University
- opragel
- pleasego2helpmac32
- remixyz
- saitoooDE
- stephenutswUT Southwestern Medical Center
- tansharmaUK
- Tecnico1931Peloton
- tindogeThe Australian National University
- zoocoupChicagoland