- AaronBurchfield@airbnb
- boyonwheelsUSA
- chilcote
- clburlisonDallas, Texas
- contentsmaydiffer
- derakOpenDNS
- diwanicki
- erikng
- escobarjLawrence Livermore National Laboratory, @LLNL + personal projects
- gmarnin
- golbiga
- grahamgilbert@airbnb
- grahampugh@jamf
- groob@Google
- hansen-mPenn State University
- hjuutilainenUniversity of Jyväskylä and @coreservice
- homebysix@Netflix
- jelias00c
- kevinstrick
- kylecrawshaw
- loyaltyarmKyte
- matthewhochlerNew York, NY
- mrala
- MScottBlakeFlywire
- n8feltonFlywire
- neographophobic
- nmcspadden@facebook
- notverypc
- poundbangbash
- rmanlyChicago
- rustymyersPSU
- scriptingosxScripting OS X
- seankaiser
- sheagcraigBlock, Inc
- unixornApes Seeking Knowledge
- vmiller