- 5
- 1
custom nodes
#59 opened by Daniel63656 - 0
Add alignment info of trees
#58 opened by Daniel63656 - 0
Remove `pdb.set_trace()`
#57 opened by JoaoLages - 0
Different diffs produce same `Operation` lists
#56 opened by SamWilsn - 1
Any idea to speed up the distance calculation
#55 opened by bdeng3 - 3
- 1
Remove Operation is for the wrong Node type
#47 opened by dsinghvi - 1
Load tree from a string input
#52 opened by mahsa7823 - 1
Add __sub__ dunder method
#50 opened by danvergara - 1
- 1
- 7
Possible bug in zss 1.2
#46 opened by davide1995 - 1
NumPy Integration
#44 opened by any333 - 2
- 9
Background on per-forest operations matrices?
#42 opened by kemitchell - 1
Integrate TravisCI to ensure Python 2/3 compat
#28 opened by petrbel - 12
- 1
PyPI info is slightly wrong
#35 opened by irskep - 2
[Pull Request] Return operation sequence
#32 opened by erickrf - 2
Nodes with same labels
#31 opened by afcruzs - 1
pip3 error
#29 opened by borgr - 1
Support python3 as well
#25 opened by guludo - 8
Recording path
#24 opened by bkj - 4
Doesn't work when nodes are dictionaries
#20 opened by mikeazo - 3
Network "reflection" issue
#19 opened by marfcg - 1
Python ast module example
#18 opened by irskep - 1
Upload to PyPI
#6 opened by irskep - 1
Sphinxify docs for PyPI/ReadTheDocs
#7 opened by irskep - 2
- 1
Make numpy optional
#9 opened by irskep - 1
- 1
Certain Label Only Changes Give Distance of 0
#1 opened by timtadh