
An homage to my mentor Michael T Miyoshi.



Opinion > Fact > Debate > Opinion

thoughts, a call to act, and you.

An homage to my mentor Michael T Miyoshi.

Feel free to purchase his book: Musings of a Mediocre Man

Yes, you can also find his works for free online. Its kindof the theme of this whole thing :D


Gimme your stump speech! (Based on a True Story)

Editors note: I'm bad at spelling, file a pull request if you care Also, I'd REALLY appreciate getting this repo starred 🌟 so the credibility and thus heart of this project can take light.

============================================================= Welcome to my Magnum Opus, a project derived from spring sun, blue clouds, comfort, and love. Its a test on a theory, which is that I have had since I realized that in my life almost every stupid thing I do from now on will be on my permanent record.

Growing up with technology, I've been wary of putting my data or info on the internet so I don't get hacked. This project's goal is the opposite. Its to spill my opinions (ALWAYS based on facts) upon you all for judgement. Its time someone starts an (inter)national dialogue about:

  1. the state of the nation(USA in my case) and the World (scary and not scary both)

  2. congratulate or ridicule leaders/orgs/you for hard learned opinions/hot-air(lies?)

  3. share in this whole experience with people I know, and also those I don't. After a long session of thinking, my main philosophy solidified. That being said, everything here is a MASSIVE amalgymation of all the late night talks with friends or wise words from teachers. As much as my brain has attempted from age 0, asking questions has been a large part of my life. Questions lead to answers, and answers from a professsional in any field (including stupid stuff like pooping from a butt can save hundreds of hours personal experimentation and research.

  4. Humans are all unique little snowflakes so if all this sounds a little cheeze it boils down to > I beleive we are all individual singularities.

  5. Internet gives us almost GODLIKE(no but really) power for all including good, evil, and exciting and I want to give you my opinionated feels for all of this. That way I don't have to explain myself at dinner parties and other people can call my opinions out as BS.


What makes me so special?

I'm Not! Thats the fun part, I'm just a learned young man of the middling class. I have opinions, based on facts. My opinions could be objectively wrong (bad facts or a boogieman word stereotypes). OR! It could be cause I didn't have the knowledge YOU have. Cause you lived/felt/talked-to/understood the situation better than me. Is that you? Then PLEASE fork my OPEN SOURCE MIT licensed repo and file a PULL REQUEST EPIC CAPS LINE!

Why are you here?

A stranger probably linked you here. Either that or you are one of the 5 people who actually end up listening (because they know me).

Core Philosophy

  1. Hippocratic Oath (help, as you can. never harm)
  2. Form opinions, which are not funtementally worse than fact
  3. evaluate your opinions based on YOUR perfect information (you can always find more on Google~)
  4. evaluate your opinions in leu of NEW information (provided by tv, peers, or other sources)
  5. Think, be yourself, and have fun.


Calls to Act

Now, if you've read this far I already appreciate your effort. It means that you can call/text/kick me and talk to me about this stuff. Does it sound ridiculous? Is it a dangerous idea that will get me assassinated by the FBI? Who knows.

What I want from you, and seriously literally no pressure, is to read one thing a day, or do one thing that I mention in one of my articles, or listen to one of my audio segments, or make one pull request to github. In fact, I'd call it a win if you could describe what Github is to me, your dog, or cthulhu at some point over a warm meal.

So, will you join me in this crazy endevour?

  • download git as mentioned previous
  • read guides on how to install git and ssh and other fun stuff if you want
  • download this repo via zip is the easiest way to get up and running though
  • open my files in a notepad type thing
  • edit them in markdown format which is like html but WAY easier
  • file a pull request or if that sounds too complicated ask your technologically advanced friend/me to help =============================================================

To do lists

  • does this work? it does!
  • scaffold out dir structure
  • convert audio into something that sounds better
  • break it into parts? maybe.. I like as-is (convince me otherwise)
  • transcribe to text the audio (programatically would be best, open source please!)
  • get personal website to not be broken
  • remind people to try out Linux distro "https://www.linuxmint.com/edition.php?id=186" (LMDE 2 "Betsy") Check the sha before installing.


  1. war_room_viewer - a card catalog in rails form
  2. war_room - imagine if Dota, LoL etc had delicious custom map love with VTECH, turret D, and other wonderful minigames note: its a closed source game in progress


Media Persona

github => rjswenson instagrams => robin.j.sh reddit =>
twitch => pintrest => robinswensonhea discord.gg => facebook => google =>