
🏡 My homelab uwu

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My Homelab Repository :octocat:

... progressed with the song 未来のミュージアム 🎧

Discord   Talos   Kubernetes   Renovate

Age   Node-Count   Pod-Count   CPU-Usage   Memory-Usage  

📖 Overview

This is a mono repository for my home infrastructure and Kubernetes cluster. I use Talos Kubernetes distribution, and follows the concept Infrastructure as Code (IaC), using the tools like Flux, Terraform, Renovate and Github Actions.

⛵ Kubernetes

Core Components

  • Flux: gitops tool reconcile manifests from Git repository to Kubernetes.
  • Cilium: advanced networking.
  • Metallb: IP address announcement and allocation for Kubernetes LoadBalancer Service.
  • Cloudflared: encrypted tunnel between server and Cloudflare.
  • Cert-manager: public and private certificate controller.
  • Ingress-nginx: simple ingress controller.
  • Rook-ceph: ceph operator. I use nvme and hdd to provide different performace of block, object and file storage.
  • Volsync: Persistent Volume snapshot and backup. I use Restic-based backup to Backblaze S3 bucket.
  • CNPG: postgres operator.
  • Grafana LGTM: system monitoring stack.
  • Kyverno: Kubernetes policy manager.
  • Secrets-store-csi-driver: mount secret volumes form external providers into a Pod, providing an alternative way to Kubernetes Secret.
  • Amazon-eks-pod-identity-webhook: ServiceAccount token injection for Pod to access AWS.

Flux Reconcile Flow







Kubernetes secrets are sourced externally from AWS Parameter Store. To provide the namespace separation and reduce etcd secret storage, I put more effort on Kubernetes secret management using secret-store-csi-driver and AWS IRSA:

                                                                                                OIDC discovery documents
                                                         ---- 2. exchange the token to AWS credentail ---> AWS STS
secrets-store-csi-driver ---> secrets-store-csi-driver-  ---- 3. get secrets ---> AWS Parameter Store
                  1. create ServiceAccount token by impersonating workload

Secrets-store-csi-driver-provider-aws DaemonSet plays as central manager to the secret fetching flow. Starting from volume mount request, secrets-store-csi-driver-provider-aws will create a ServiceAccount token by impersonating the workload, and try to exchange an AWS credential. AWS STS validate the ServiceAccount token by referencing OIDC discovery documents s3://amethyst-kubernetes-oidc/.well-known/openid-configuration, and return a temporary AWS credential. Finally, secrets-store-csi-driver-provider-aws get secrtes from AWS Parameter Store and write secrets to a target hostPath.

Notice that Talos Linux default use ES256 for Kubernetes ServiceAccount token, however AWS STS only supports token with RS256. We need to generate an RSA key, base64 encode and patch the talos configuration cluster.serviceAccount.key on control plane. The blog might be helpful.

☁️ Cloud Services

Service Usage Cost
Github Code repository and automation chores/jobs Free
JumpCloud SSO identity provider Free
Cloudflare Domain registrar and tunnel $10/year
Backblaze S3 bucket for buckup ~$1/month
AWS Parameter storage and terraform backend Free
Grafana Cloud External montoring Free
Let's Encrypt Public certificate authroity Free
Total ~$22/year

🔧 Hardware

Click to see the rack
Device Description Count RAM Disk
Askey RTF8207W Chunghwa Telecom modem 1
Router 1
PoE Switch 1
Raspberry Pi 4B
with PoE hat
Kubernetes worker nodes 3 8GB 960GB SSD Micron 5200
Kubernetes control planes 3 16-32GB Mircon CT16G4SFRA32A
• OS: 960GB SSD Mircon 5300
• Data: 960GB NVMe Mircon 7450, and 4TB HDD Seagate ST4000VN008
APC AP7902 16p Switched PDU 1

🤝 Acknowledgments

Thanks to Home Operations Discord community. I always find lots of cool ideas from chats. Also a special thanks to the great series, by Grégoire Jeanmart, which motivate me to start this project.

📄 License

See Licesne.