Minimalistic Eureka client for web services built on Drogon C++17 for service discovery with your Drogon servers.
Clone this repo. Then, the only two things you really need are
Copy those two files into your plugins/
folder of your Drogon project.
And in your config.json
file, add a section for configuring the Drogon Eureka client:
"plugins": [
"name": "drogon::plugin::eurekaClient",
"dependencies": [],
"config": {
"eurekaHostName": "localhost",
"eurekaPort": "8761",
"appName": "my_drogon_service",
"appPort": "5000",
"dataCenterInfo": {
"@class": "$DefaultDataCenterInfo",
"name": "MyOwn"
Here is the JSON spec
"name": "drogon::plugin::eurekaClient",
"dependencies": [],
"config": {
"eurekaHostName": "x.x.x.x", # host name or ip address of the running Eureka server
"eurekaPort": "8761", # port of the Eureka server
"appName": "my_drogon_service", # name of this service to be registered
"appHostname": "x.x.x.x", # [OPTIONAL] hostname of this service, if unspecified, the current IP will be used.
"appIpAddr": "x.x.x.x", # [OPTIONAL] ip address of this service, if unspecified, the current IP will be used.
"appPort": "8080", # port to be used for Eureka communications. Can be the same as the current Drogon service port.
"dataCenterInfo": {
"@class": "$DefaultDataCenterInfo", # class of data center
"name": "MyOwn", # name of data center
With this, your Drogon service will start to send registration requests and regular heartbeats to the Eureka server on start-up so that it is discoverable by other services within your Eureka cluster.
To discover other services in the Eureka cluster within Drogon, use the following functions:
// return all discovered services (including self) currently registered on the Eureka registry
void getAllServices(std::function<void(std::vector<eurekaDiscoveredApp>)> cb);
// return all discovered service instances with application name matching appName
void getAppServices(const std::string& appName, std::function<void(std::vector<eurekaDiscoveredApp>)> cb);
// return the discovered service instance with matching appName and appHostName
void getService(const std::string& appName, const std::string& appHostName, std::function<void(std::optional<eurekaDiscoveredApp>)> cb);
For example, in controllers/
. Simply get the plugin pointer, then away you go!
auto *eurekaClientPtr = app().getPlugin<drogon::plugin::eurekaClient>();
eurekaClientPtr->getAppServices(appName, [resp=std::move(resp), callback=std::move(callback)](std::vector<drogon::plugin::eurekaDiscoveredApp> allApps) {
std::stringstream ss;
if (!allApps.empty()) {
for (const auto& discoveredApp: allApps) {
ss << discoveredApp.appName << " found at " << discoveredApp.appIpAddr << ":" << discoveredApp.appPort << ", ";
} else {
ss << "No matching apps found";
Build and run the Drogon server, then go to: http://localhost:5000/api/v1/eureka/
. For the supported endpoints for querying discovered services, see controllers/api_v1_eureka.h