the entire goal is to reduce load time from request to build of the webpage
user gets as much content as possible on the screen first
just like traditional react app we get bundle, gets data back. Doesn't mean we are not using react we just defer loading of react to farther along down the line.
mock up is simple app api server -> rendering server -> users browser
2 different backend servers server-side rendering
business logic and data layer
view layer takes data and produces html separate into 2 diff servers 2 tiers, easier time to scale in future
Application A Business logic on api <- maybe aws, etc we can use multiple servers react app -> we can do rendering server
Application B business logic on api complex react app, we can provision other servers to do this
running react on server is very slow performance of rendering server
- simple component
- server side renderings
JSx on server, need to compile using babel (run webpack bundler to do this) then you can run renderToHtml string watcher on js files, then rerun the webpack and restart server
server-side rendering == produce html and push it to browser (could do handlebars, etc) more terms: universal javascript and isomorphic javascript
same coding style on server and client side. Because we are using webpack, we can use es2015 modules on code. So we move from common js to es2015 imports.
we need to ship down js related to app after we send down js 2 bundles using js second bundle is react app server code we never ship to browser (security)
our approach is two fold. Server index.js file which depends on home component and Browser has Home.js and client.js
- server can pull in high order components
- but don't important server code (for sensitive business logic)
- basically a bootup location
- so code that adds for specifically server and configuration only executed on client.
so we render first, then we reload the app a second time. Initial render on server, then client side breathes life on browser. -- react will crawl over it and add life cycle
Express Route Handler
- delegates routing to react-router
- GET /users => * => /users (react-router)
request to express server -> shows index.html BrowserRouter Component looks at url in address bar renders some route. This wont work on server
2 routers in app static router for server browserRouter for client
4 challenges
- Redux needs different configuration on browser vs server
- precedent of 2 diff server/client configuration
- aspects of authentication needs to be handled on server
- server from action creator, we need to know instance action is finished
- need some way to detect when all initial data load action creators are completed on server
- biggest challenge. Redux / React to fix this
- need state rehydration on browser
- Render app twice. First with all action creators in componentWillMount then we could monitor each request and get notification finished and render it a second time PROS / CONS. Pros not alot of new code written.
- rendering app on server is computational intensive
- twice means it isn't faster. And only works with one round of data loading
- attach little component
- call function to data loading process
- each one says hey here is a resource i need
- call dataLoad method, detect all request are complete
only render app once makes data requirements clear
requires a ton of extra code. Clutch right now
Redux fetches data, new store with bunch of state in it so state is sent to client whatsoever client side store is made from complete scratch it is empty until we complete the fetch action We want to preserve state we have prefetched
Step 1, write proxy Any action creators need to be send to api and same action creators on browser are sent to server and then api server
it's like render to stream, but it returns a readable stream tiny packages of data, then send to users browser TTFB is really fast with node stream, and content downloaded is very slow GOTCHA you call renderer and you also pass in response object and immediately start sending back
we can change status page
redirects won't show 404 stauts code