
DSL over server spec to test chef managed infrastructure

Primary LanguageRuby

Praegustator provide simple dsl to validate and test chef managed infrastructure, it is baced on ssh and utilize server spec in the backend.


gem install praegustator # install praegustator
praeg --help
praeg init spec_dir #setup praeg in current dir


praeg validate  #run all checks defined in recipes files
praeg validate recipe # run recipe

basic structure

Praegustator provides chef conventions based methods like role, recipe, ip, search to group similar nodes for executing check against them, whereas checks are rspec files with server-spec matchers defined in spec_dir

sample recipe for praegustator:

environment :staging

role("web-server") do
 check "application/nginx"
 check "application/puma"
 check "application/s3cmd"
 properties :name => "foo"

The role method mark all nodes with that role . Within the block passed to role you can declare checks using the check method. arbitrary hash can be passed to checks usin properties method, also current node under test is added automatically to properties hash.

Where check are server spec files:


describe package('nginx') do
  it { should be_installed }

describe service('nginx') do
  it { should be_enabled   }
  it { should be_running   }

app_name = property[:name]
ip_address = property[:current_node].ipaddress

describe file("/etc/nginx/conf.d/#{app_name}.conf") do
  it { should contain "server_name #{ip_address}" }

praeg command

Praegustator gem installs the praeg command, Run praeg --help to see the help.

praegustator configuration file

.praegustator.yml rovide ways to override various praegustator related settings, like spec dir, recipes dir and ssh configuration

ssh config file

praegustator picks ssh configuration from ~/.ssh/config file or global ssh configuration defined in .praegustator.yml

Useful links


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  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
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  5. Create new Pull Request