
Primary LanguagePHPOtherNOASSERTION


Tested with TestCafe Tested with PHPUnit php 7.0.0 Open source

To contribute to this project you must assign copyright of your contribution to Econobis B.V. To do this, include the following filled-in copyright assignment form in your patch: Individual contributor assignment agreement

Econobis B.V. is 100% daughter of Coöperatieve Vereniging Energie Coöperaties op Orde UA. More information can be viewed on www.econobis.nl.

Why all this legal stuff ?

We want clean renewable energy. We want a digital energy market which is democratic controlled, fair and accessible for all people at all times. We are cooperatives, because we believe that members, in our case normal people, are the owners of everything we do. That is why we choose for Open Source software. It is also democratic, fair and accessible for everybody. But we want to make sure that it remains Open Source. That is why we need the legal stuff.



NPM of Yarn geinstalleerd:

Download Yarn Of NPM

CORS toestaan met behulp van:

CORS extensie

Om emails te kunnen verzenden moet imap aan staan:

Zet php_imap aan in php.ini: extension=php_imap.dll


Command prompt in eco/econobis

Eigen .env aanmaken: cp .env.example .env

Key zetten in deze .env php artisan key:generate

Installeer packages: composer install

Migreer database met seed: php artisan migrate --seed


Naar client-app map toe: cd client-app

Packages installeren: npm install of yarn install

Passport zetten in database: php artisan passport:install

In de database is nu in de oauth_clients een Econobis Password Grant Client aangemaakt. Kopieer de secret naar .env.development in de client-app map.

Daarna project runnen: npm run serve of yarn serve

Het project zou nu zelf op moeten starten. Als de pagina zichtbaar is moet je rechtsboven bij CORS Enable cross-origin resource sharing aan en uit zetten.


Problemen met permissies

Cache clearen, command in eco/econobis: php artisan cache:forget spatie.permission.cache


composer dump-autoload