
C#/ASP.NET webshop collaboration project for college (HHS) period 6.

Primary LanguageC#

Build status on Circle CI in production branch Build status on Circle CI in master branch Build status on Circle CI in last commit

HHS P6 Webshop Project

C#/ASP.NET webshop collaboration project for college (HHS) period 6.


This project is built against .NET Core. Therefore, it is required to install .NET Core which can be found on this page. Required packages might be installed automatically, if not, the command dotnet restore can be used.

Additional notes for building:

  • On Windows it is recommended to install IIS.
  • The database should be created/migrated when using the application for the first time, or when the database structure was updated in an update. Use one of the following commands:
    • Database reset command: dotnet run -- --db-init --db-init-exit (Recommended)
    • Database migration command: dotnet ef database update

Commandline Options

The following command line arguments are supported:

  • --db-init: Initialize the database on startup, this will reset and override any existing database.
  • --db-init-exit: Exits the application after the database has been initialized.


The project is currently being built automatically using the CI services in the table below.

Platform Branch Build Status Service
Linux production Build status on Circle CI CircleCI View Status (private)
Linux master Build status on Circle CI CircleCI View Status (private)
Linux last commit Build status on Circle CI CircleCI View Status (private)