
Vagrant configuration for running Shadowcraft-UI and Shadowcraft-Engine

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Vagrant configuration for running Shadowcraft-UI and Shadowcraft-Engine. See those projects for more information about what they do individually.

Setting up, using, and updating this virtual machine requires some knowledge of how Linux systems work and functioning knowledge of how to use a Linux shell.


Setting Up Vagrant (OSX/Linux)

  1. Install Vagrant from http://vagrantup.com
  2. Install Virtualbox from http://virtualbox.org

Setting Up Vagrant (Windows)

  1. Install Vagrant from http://vagrantup.com
  2. Install Virtualbox from http://virtualbox.org
  3. Copy bsdtar.exe from C:\HashiCorp\Vagrant\embedded\bin to C:\HashiCorp\Vagrant\bin and name it tar.exe
  4. Open a command line (cmd.exe)
  5. Run the following commands to initialize the vagrant environment:
set PATH=%PATH%;C:\HashiCorp\Vagrant\embedded\bin

Shadowcraft-VM Installation

  1. Clone this repository (git clone git@github.com:timwoj/shadowcraft-vm.git)
  2. Run the command vagrant up. This will download, install, boot, and provision the VM. This part will take a while, up to about 45 minutes depending on the speed of the host machine. Be patient.
  3. Run the command vagrant reload. This causes the VM to reboot and load all of the changes that were just made.
  4. SSH into the now-running VM:
    • On Linux/OS X, run the command vagrant ssh.
    • On Windows, run the command vagrant ssh. This will fail but it will give you the information you need to use to connect to the VM using an SSH client such as PuTTY or SuperTerm.

Blizzard API Key

Within the SSH session you will need to register at https://dev.battle.net/io-docs to get an API key. Follow the instructions on the site and get the API key.

You can then add the API key to /var/www/shadowcraft-ui/config/auth_key.yml with the following contents

apikey: [your key goes here]

Importing Game Data

Within the SSH session you will need to import the game data.

cd /var/www/shadowcraft-ui sudo rails console development
> Item.populate_gear_wod
> Item.populate_gems_wod
> Glyph.populate!
> Enchant.update_from_json!

Editing runtime and provisioning

The environment can be modified to use other versions of the shadowcraft UI and backend as needed during the provisioning by modifying the shadowcraft-setup.sh file. If this file is changed after the VM has already been provisioned, you may recreate the VM by running vagrant destroy followed by vagrant up. This will completely rebuild the VM.

The version of rails can be changed by modifying the apt_packages.sh file. It currently defaults to version 3.2.19. The same destroy/up cycle needs to happen if you change the apt_packages.sh file as well.

Running Shadowcraft from the VM

Once the VM is up and configured, you can get to the Shadowcraft UI by opening a web browser on your local machine and going to http://localhost:8080.

Updating Shadowcraft-Engine

Updates come out for the engine code periodically and you must update your installation manually. This is easy to do from an SSH session to the VM. Run these commands from a root shell on the VM:

cd /usr/local/ShadowCraft-Engine
git pull
cd scripts

Updating Shadowcraft-UI

Updates come out for the UI code periodically and you must update your installation manually. This is possible via an SSH session to the VM but requires more work than updating the engine. It's preferred that you update the engine before updating the UI if necessary. Run these commands from a root shell on the VM:

cd /var/www/shadowcraft-ui
git pull
ps -ef | grep twistd
kill <the pid from the previous command>
cd /var/www/shadowcraft-ui/backend
rm /var/www/shadowcraft-ui/items-rogue.js
service nginx restart

At this point the UI code is updated and the services to run it are restarted. If there were major changes to the UI code, it's suggested that you also dump and reload the database. Run these commands from a root shell on the VM:

> use roguesim_development
> db.dropDatabase()
> exit
cd /var/www/shadowcraft-ui
rails console development
> Item.populate_gear_wod
> Item.populate_gems_wod
> Glyph.populate!
> Enchant.update_from_json!
> exit
rm /var/www/shadowcraft-ui/public/items-rogue.js
service nginx restart

Due to a new changeover to using the Blizzard API for item data, the load will take quite some time. Be patient.