
A cli tool for transfering ethereum & creating new wallets

Primary LanguageRustApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


payment api for sending crypto to friends using their phone number or email

download and install dependencies

`` git clone https://github.com/timxor/payment-api.git cd payment-api cd parity git submodule init git submodule update

rustup toolchain install nightly-2018-12-27 cargo +nightly-2018-12-27 build

cargo build

## install depencies

start Postgres app, version 10.
use pgadmin4.

## configure .env local db
payment-api/payment-api/.env should have something like this:


## test database connectivity

psql postgres://infomarket:password@localhost:5432

# start the api server

export DATABASE_URL=postgres://macdev:timistheshit@localhost/paymentapi cargo run --bin payment_api

# cli
## create a transfer

cargo run --bin create_transfer

## show transfers

cargo run --bin show_transfers

# repo url


# updating the db
First drop the table:

psql postgres://macdev:timistheshit@localhost/paymentapi select * from users; drop table users; select * from users;

Then create a new up.sql:

diesel migration generate newSqlThingy

Then edit the schema in up.sql and run it:

diesel migration run diesel print-schema > src/schema.rs

The new table should be here now:

select * from users;

# API endpoints & Documentation

Please see [docs/README.md](./docs/README.md) for detailed documentation.

## post localhost:8000/user
example payload:

{ "firstName": "Test-api-003", "lastName": "Ethers", "userName": "@cultofcrypto", "number": 18472490853, "email": "frank@aol.com" }

## dependencies
