Otto DIY+ (PLUS + Bluetooth + APP + sensors + strength ) for latest updates please go here:

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

Otto DIY+ (PLUS)

"Otto DIY with steroids"

This Repository have all open source files for Otto DIY+ an interactive robot that anyone can make!, Otto DIY + can make everything that Otto DIY does + Bluetooth + APP + switch + sensors + strength +... anything you might expand feel FREE to add and contribute.

This is a more advanced version requires some expertise and patience, if you want to start slow as a beginner, please go to Basic Otto DIY in Wikifactory

We decided to leave github for the main codes and more advanced coders. For the latest changes please go and join our Otto DIY+ in Wikifactory is a similar platform but much more easy to use, visual and simple for all the community to collaborate.

Interact with other Otto builders

Welcome to our Otto Builder community! Follow us, give us a like and share your creativity, you could be featured here by sharing your robot in any social media; YouTube Facebook Otto Builder community group in facebook Instagram Twitter Just use the hashtag #ottodiy in your post and tag or mention @OttoDIY Be a part of this friendly community of robot builders, teachers and makers! by joining us here in Wikifactory or our group in Facebook.

Share your innovative creation with #OttoDIY

A redesign, modified code or if your creation is different but inspired in Otto; is technically a remix, so please share in our Wikifactory Social & Design Platform

Here in Github: Contributing to this software is warmly welcomed. You can do this basically by forking, committing modifications and then pulling requests. Please add a change log and your contact into file header.

Thanks for your contribution.

For the quick start programming and learners

  1. Download mBlock.cc Version 3; is an opensource software for easy programming Robot by Drop and Drag blocks. Based on Scratch 2.0 (MIT), beside sharing the great feature of graphical coding of Scratch, mBlock also integrates an Arduino Code generator for upload program into any Arduino based Hardware.
  2. Add the Otto DIY Extension in mBlock software, swtich in the menu to Arduino mode
  3. Drag and drop functions, dance, sounds and conditionals from robot Otto blocks
  4. Connect, select Arduino Nano 328 and check the USB COM port
  5. Upload your own code and Otto will follow each block command.

Alternatively you can use Arduino Blocks (based on Google Blocly) and Kittenblock (based on Scratch 3.0)

For the advanced programmer

  1. Download & Install Arduino IDE 1.8.5 version also [this driver if you have a clone board for PC] (http://www.wch.cn/download/CH341SER_EXE.html), or for MAC
  2. Copy all libraries to C:\Users\user\Documents\Arduino\libraries (or wherever your library folder is installed)
  3. Open for example OttoDIY_smooth_criminal.ino, make sure in tools you have "Board: Arduino Nano" "Processor ATmega328" and your Otto is connected to the corresponding USB port if you have a new vesrion of Arduino use the old bootloader.
  4. Upload the APP code to Otto DIY+
  5. Download, install the APP & have fun!

Special thanks to all these #Ottobuilder that made and are making this project evolve and accessible to everyoone in the world.

License CC-BY-SA

You can use all resources of Otto for free but Otto DIY Website must be included in any redistribution and remixes must keep the CC-BY-SA license, As you might seen with the original Otto DIY project the idea is that more people can have access, therefore if you copy or remix Otto you must also release under same open license, that means you must release all files also to the public.

Creative Commons License
Otto DIY by www.ottodiy.com is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Otto DIY Website must be included in any redistribution and remixes must keep the CC-BY-SA license.