
A simple Latex class for writing a dissertation without much hassle

Primary LanguageTeX


A simple Latex class for writing a dissertation without much hassle

Disclaimer: This work is currently under development. I am happy about any contributions or remarks. If there are problems, please contact me.


Just clone the directory from here with

git clone git@github.com:timkittel/simple-dissertation.git

and copy the simple-dissertation.cls in your project folder.


Enabling auto-completion depends on the editor you're using. The class-simple-dissertation.cwl provides all the info for that. In case of Texstudio on Linux link it into $HOME/.config/texstudio/completion/user/. The easiest way to do that is to run the following command in terminal when being in the directory you cloned the repo to:

ln -s "$(pwd)/class-simple-dissertation.cwl" "$HOME/.config/texstudio/completion/user/class-simple-dissertation.cwl

Note that this only creates a link, so please keep the directory you clone from git. Also, for any updates you can simply git pull the updates and copy the new simple-dissertation.cls to your project folder. Autocompletion will be updated automatically via the link.


simple-dissertation uses biber as the backend to read your .bib-file. Make sure it is installed (sudo apt-get install biber on Ubuntu) and your editor is actually using it (in Texstudio: Options --> Configure --> Build --> Default Bibliography Tool --> Biber).


Try out the example. It shows a basic version (: