
Tencent Cloud ThinkPHP Serverless Component

Primary LanguagePHPApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Tencent ThinkPHP Serverless Component

腾讯云 ThinkPHP Serverless Component

npm NPM downloads

简体中文 | English


腾讯云 ThinkPHP Serverless Component, 支持 Restful API 服务的部署。


  1. 准备
  2. 安装
  3. 配置
  4. 部署
  5. 移除

0. 准备

初始化 ThinkPHP 项目

在使用此组件之前,你需要先自己初始化一个 ThinkPHP 项目

$ composer create-project topthink/think serverless-thinkphp

注意:ThinkPHP 使用 Composer 管理依赖的,所以你需要先自行安装 Composer,请参考 官方安装文档

1. 安装

通过 npm 全局安装 serverless cli

$ npm install -g serverless

2. 配置

在项目根目录,创建 serverless.yml 文件,在其中进行如下配置

$ touch serverless.yml
# serverless.yml

  component: '@serverless/tencent-thinkphp'
    region: ap-guangzhou
    functionName: thinkphp-function
    code: ./
      timeout: 10
      memorySize: 128
          TEST: abc
        subnetId: ''
        vpcId: ''
        - https
      environment: release

3. 部署

注意:在部署前,你需要先清理本地运行的配置缓存,执行 php think clear 即可。

如您的账号未 登陆注册 腾讯云,您可以直接通过 微信 扫描命令行中的二维码进行授权登陆和注册。

通过 sls 命令进行部署,并可以添加 --debug 参数查看部署过程中的信息

$ sls --debug

  DEBUG ─ Resolving the template's static variables.
  DEBUG ─ Collecting components from the template.
  DEBUG ─ Downloading any NPM components found in the template.
  DEBUG ─ Analyzing the template's components dependencies.
  DEBUG ─ Creating the template's components graph.
  DEBUG ─ Syncing template state.
  DEBUG ─ Executing the template's components graph.
  DEBUG ─ Compressing function thinkphp-function file to /Users/yugasun/Desktop/Develop/serverless/tencent-thinkphp/example/.serverless/thinkphp-function.zip.
  DEBUG ─ Compressed function thinkphp-function file successful
  DEBUG ─ Uploading service package to cos[sls-cloudfunction-ap-guangzhou-code]. sls-cloudfunction-default-thinkphp-function-1584413066.zip
  DEBUG ─ Uploaded package successful /Users/yugasun/Desktop/Develop/serverless/tencent-thinkphp/example/.serverless/thinkphp-function.zip
  DEBUG ─ Creating function thinkphp-function
  DEBUG ─ Created function thinkphp-function successful
  DEBUG ─ Setting tags for function thinkphp-function
  DEBUG ─ Creating trigger for function thinkphp-function
  DEBUG ─ Deployed function thinkphp-function successful
  DEBUG ─ Starting API-Gateway deployment with name ap-guangzhou-apigateway in the ap-guangzhou region
  DEBUG ─ Service with ID service-qndauhr4 created.
  DEBUG ─ API with id api-6krpwfpo created.
  DEBUG ─ Deploying service with id service-qndauhr4.
  DEBUG ─ Deployment successful for the api named ap-guangzhou-apigateway in the ap-guangzhou region.

    functionName:        thinkphp-function
        Name:        thinkphp-function
        Runtime:     Php7
        Handler:     serverless-handler.handler
        MemorySize:  128
        Timeout:     10
        Region:      ap-guangzhou
        Namespace:   default
        Description: This is a template function
    region:              ap-guangzhou
    apiGatewayServiceId: service-qndauhr4
    url:                 https://service-qndauhr4-1251556596.gz.apigw.tencentcs.com/release/
    cns:                 (empty array)

  18s › MyThinkPHP › done

注意: slsserverless 命令的简写。

4. 移除

通过以下命令移除部署的 API 网关

$ sls remove --debug

  DEBUG ─ Flushing template state and removing all components.
  DEBUG ─ Removed function thinkphp-function successful
  DEBUG ─ Removing any previously deployed API. api-6krpwfpo
  DEBUG ─ Removing any previously deployed service. service-qndauhr4

  8s › MyThinkPHP › done


当前默认支持 CLI 扫描二维码登录,如您希望配置持久的环境变量/秘钥信息,也可以本地创建 .env 文件

.env 文件中配置腾讯云的 SecretId 和 SecretKey 信息并保存

如果没有腾讯云账号,可以在此 注册新账号

如果已有腾讯云账号,可以在 API 密钥管理 中获取 SecretIdSecretKey.

# .env


可以在 Serverless Components repo 中查询更多组件的信息。