Bank Transactions

Rewriting the '/transfer' api in NodeJS to facilitate transfer of money between two accounts


  • NodeJS 10.13.0
  • mySQL
  • Docker, docker-compose


Execute the commands in the following order for local setup

 - git clone
 - cd bank-transactions
 - setup mysql with config specified in .env and create a database called bank_transactions
 - mysql -u root -ppassword bank_transactions < sample_data_dump.sql (This is to setup the sample data)
 - node app.js

 - Call http://localhost:3000/transfer with headers: {content-type: application/json}
   and body: {"from": "456","to": "123","amount": 2.5}

 For docker setup
   - docker-compose up (at root level)
   - Call http://localhost:8080/transfer with headers: {content-type: application/json}
      and body: {"from": "456","to": "123","amount": 2.5}

Running the tests

npm test