In this README you can find diverse information about typical RNA sites, meetings, tools, databases, etc.
I also leave you copy (in spanish) of my degree final work that was about Conformational diversity in RNAs.
Please, feel free to improve and add information.
- The RNA society site, and their twitter
- Sweden RNA site (look the researchers section if there is anyone known)
- The RNA institute
- The G4 Society
- 2020 CANADA, from RNA society
- 2019 SWEDEN, rna society in sweden (made in Sep-2019, maybe in 2020 could be the next one)
- Rustbelt
- 2020 USA, The RNA institute meeting
- RNA Puzzles, a CASP-like.
- Recent paper (2019-12-04)
- Sequences
- Rfam, (RNA families)
- RNACentral, (non-coding RNAs from 40 curated databases)
- Structures
- PDB and NDB
- RNArchitecture
- SCOR (down)
- BGSU RNA site
- Cosmos database
- Metal PDB
- RNA topology using graph theory
- RNA virus (new v3)
- 5S rRNA Database
- Residues
- The RNA modification database
- RNA basepair database
- RNABP COGEST (has another links basepair databases inside)
- Others
- NCRNA Databases
- 3D RNA rotamers (Richardsons Lab)
- Chemical mapping data
- X3DNA (Xiang-Jun Lu, DSSR forum, web 3XDNA)
- rna-tools (Magnus from Bujnicki group)
- R3D-BLAST2 (search substructures using structural alphabet)
- RNAflex (using SVM)
- RBP Motif Search