🇦🇷 Argentinean Soccer League Stats Scrapper 🇦🇷

Steps to run the application smoothly:

  1. Requires packages: chromedriver:^81.0.0, fs:0.0.1-security, selenium-webdriver:^4.0.0-alpha.7
  2. Run npm install in terminal to install
  3. Run node ./index.js to retrieve teams first. The file with teams that creates it is used to navigate to different teams while retrieving players data.
  4. Run node ./playerScrapper.js to retrieve players personal data (name, height, weight, position, dob)
  5. Run node ./statsScrapper.js to retrieve data accumulated on each game they played.

Goalkeeper Stats Notes

SP Acr Spanish Def English Def ENG Acr
PJ Partidos jugados Games Played GP
Min Minutos Minutes MIN
GR Goles recibidos Goals Conceded GC
PGR Promedio de goles recibidos Goals Against Average GAA
PO Penales otorgados Penalties Given PG
PC Penales contra Penalties Against PA
%PP Promedio de penales parados Penalty Kicks Saves Average PKSA
Par Paradas Saves SAVES
TRec Tiros recibidos Shots SHOTS
TGR Tiros a gol recibidos Shots On Goal SOG
%Par Porcentaje de paradas Shots Save Average SSA
SRG Sin recibir gol Clean Sheets CS
TA Tarjetas amarillas Yellow Cards YC
TR Tarjetas rojas Red Cards RC

Players Stats Notes

SP Acr Spanish Def English Def ENG Acr
PJ Partidos jugados Games Played GP
Min Minutos Minutes MIN
G Goles Goals G
PG Pases de gol Assists A
PA Penales anotados Penalty Kicks Scored PKS
T Tiros Shots SHOTS
TG Tiros a gol Shots on Target SOT
%TG Promedio de tiros a gol Shots on Target Average SOTA
TA Tarjetas amarillas Yellow Cards YC
TR Tarjetas rojas Red Cards RC
F Faltas cometidas Fouls Committed FC
FR Faltas recibidas Fouls Suffered FS
Ce Centros Crosses CROSSES
FL Fuera de Lugar Offsides OF

Data scraped comes from statsperform,com, and it is use soledly for educational purposes.