The project is the automation code made for PlatformIO IDE and arduino based code. Opens the gate and manages the command of the lock
- 12V Power source with battery back-up
- ESP8266 4 relay board to automate the gate motor
- Coil lock
- Keypad
Take password.h_template and rename to password.h as a file. Configure the network and ip for the mqtt server inside the file. Compile and upload to the board.
- Commands accepted
MainGate/CMD/Relay1 ON / OFF
MainGate/CMD/Relay2 ON / OFF
MainGate/CMD/Relay3 ON / OFF
MainGate/CMD/Relay4 ON / OFF
statusReccurence - reccurence time to report the status on the STAT fields below (default 30s) debounceSampleTime - the time the process of the input is executed after interrupt occurs (default 1s) relayProcessTimer - how much time the relay for opening the door is kept closed (default 0.6s)
- Status reports
MainGate/STAT/Relay1 ON / OFF
MainGate/STAT/Relay2 ON / OFF
MainGate/STAT/Relay3 ON / OFF
MainGate/STAT/Relay4 ON / OFF
MainGate/STAT/eventRelay ON / OFF
MainGate/STAT/eventKeypad ON / OFF
MainGate/STAT/eventPower ON / OFF
MainGate/STAT/reccurentStatusRelay1 Relay 1 OFF / Relay 1 ON
MainGate/STAT/reccurentStatusRelay2 Relay 2 OFF / Relay 2 ON
MainGate/STAT/reccurentStatusRelay3 Relay 3 OFF / Relay 3 ON
MainGate/STAT/reccurentStatusRelay4 Relay 4 OFF / Relay 4 ON
MainGate/STAT/reccurentStatusKeypad Keypad OFF / Keypad ON
MainGate/STAT/reccurentStatusMains Mains OFF / Mains ON
- Debug messages