A timeshift CLI app to interact with Google Sheets and register your working hours.
The CLI usage is an escript meaning that you need to install Erlang to use it. To build it you will also need to install Elixir.
Both can be installed using asdf. Further instruction can be found on asdf
Run the CLI with:
> ./timeshift_cli
No command provided
usage: timeshift <command> [<args>]
register Register a time on the timeshift. Must be one of: shift_start lunch_start lunch_end shift_end extra_start extra_end
To register a time for the current day and kind
> ./timeshift_cli register shift_start
To build a new version of the CLI with changes on configuration you need to fetch dependencies and the run the escript mix build task:
> mix deps.get
> mix escript.build
Note that to the build to succeed it is necessary to create a creds.json
file on the /.secret
folder on the project root. This credential file is obtained from Google API (https://console.cloud.google.com/apis/credentials).
The spreadsheet_id
can be obtained from your Google Sheets URL. For example, in this URL https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1H0zR6CTc5EqqAR-nBhDoS6-Uo6cEDwzsaxfCIcGvyxE/edit#gid=0
the spreadsheet_id
is 1H0zR6CTc5EqqAR-nBhDoS6-Uo6cEDwzsaxfCIcGvyx
. The header_size
is the amount of rows skiped before logging the first day of the year hours. sheet_name
is the name of the sheet from the spreadsheet in which you want to register your hours on.
It is important to notice that for this to work the spreadsheet must be accessible by the owner of the credentials you informed to build the project on. This means that either the user (identified on creds.json
by client_email
) needs to be added to the spreadsheet or the spreadsheet must be set to public edit.