
A Python tool that turns network traffic into MIDI sound

Primary LanguagePython

Network Songification

consists of three parts:

  • mappings.config
  • netmidi.py
  • songify.py

mappings.config is used to specify which ports+protocols should be mapped to which midi instruments. Standard MIDI allows for 16 different voices, exceeding this has will depend on your specific MIDI setup. The format is [TCP|UDP|ICMP] [Port #] [Channel # 1-16] [MIDI Program for this channel]
eg. TCP 80 1 3 will cause http packets to play a note on the Electric Piano program assigned to channel 1.

netmidi.py contains classes used to translate packet fields to MIDI messages. The important one is the NetMidi class, which takes in the midi port to create an object that can be passed packet info to play MIDI notes. The MIDI port refers to the listening MIDI device or software that will handle the MIDI message. MIDI ports can be listed with the aplaymidi utility (aplaymidi -l)
eg. myNetMidi = NetMidi(2) will connect to the second available MIDI port.

Using the NetMidi.playNote() function, packet parameters can be passed to produce MIDI messages:
eg. myNetMidi.playNote("TCP",80,16003,1480) where the parameters passed are ["TCP"|"UDP"|"ICMP"] [Port #] [Ephemeral Port #] [Packet Size in Bytes (max 1480)]

Using command line options

Usage: songify.py [options]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i INTERFACE, --interface=INTERFACE
                        interface to listen on
  -p PCAP, --pcap=PCAP  Use PCAP file instead of network interface. Pass path
                        to PCAP file.
  -m MPORT --midiport=MPORT
                        The midi port number to output to

Example: If you want to use a different interface such as the loopback device songify.py -i lo0
Example: If you already have a pcap file generated from a previous network capture songify.py -p /path/to/file.pcap