
google homepage with non-working links for theodinproject curriculum

Primary LanguageCSS

Google Homepage Project


For the first few times that I've created webpages, I've been using codepen to write my html and css scripts. This is the first time that I made one using git and external scripts.

Goals and Objectives

  • Rebuild the google homepage using html and css
  • Get familiar with git, github, and chrome dev tools
  • Deepen html and css understanding

Skills Emphasized in this Project

  • Proper element containing
  • Element positioning and alignment
  • Use of images and icons
  • Css selectors
  • Css pseudo-class
  • Flexbox and grid usage
  • Familiarity in css attributes
  • Box model mastery
  • Responsive web designing

Thoughts After Completion

Throughout the project, I've deepen my understanding with how efficiently should the elements be contained and how to properly select them in css. I've also familiarized myself with the css attributes and style my elements the way I want it to. I've also managed to make the page responsive, making it presentable in mobile and tablet devices. All in all, the objectives of the project were met and the skills were realized.