
a restaurant page for theodinproject curriculum

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Restaurant Page


This project is meant for applying and practicing what's been learned so far in npm, webpack, and ES6 modules lesson by creating a restaurant page. The contents of the page will be generated using JavaScript alone.

Goals and Objectives

  • Use npm to run and install webpack to the project
  • Only the skeleton elements will be set up in HTML, the rest of the contents of the page should be generated through JavaScript
  • The site should have different tabs for different contents
  • The contents of each tab should be put in its own module
  • The tab switching logic should be inside index.js

Skills Emphasized in this Project:

  • DOM Manipulation
  • DOM Element Creation
  • npm
  • Webpack Asset Management
  • Event Listeners
  • Importing and Exporting Assets

Thoughts after Completion:

This project made me realize how much doubt and indecisiveness could waste so much time. It also made me see how hard it is to be creative and make something that looks pleasing to the eyes. But overall this was really a fun project.