Rock, Paper, Scissors Game


This is the standard rock, paper, scissors game. The user gets to choose if he/she wants rock, paper, or scissors. The computer then randomly selects a choice. The user interface of this game can only be played in PC and hasn't been made responsive yet.


  • Rock beats scissors.
  • Paper beats rock.
  • Scissors beats paper.

Goals and Objectives:

  • Make a rock, paper, scissors game on the console first
  • Design a user interface for the game so it can be played on the browser
  • Use console game functions for game with UI

Skills Emphasized in this Project:

  • DOM Manipulation
  • Selecting DOM elements
  • Javascript Function Creation
  • Click event listener
  • Function Scope
  • Function Callbacks

Thoughts After Completion:

This project deepened my understanding in javascript functions and scope. There were times that I had to stop because I was confused or don't know what to do, but that was good. Because of those confusions, I was able to learn more about the concepts of functions, nodelists, selectors, and event listeners. My knowledge in HTML and CSS also improved, specially in positioning and styling. Overall, this project has been a good experience and made me look forward for more challenges in the future.