
[ICCV 2023] Overcoming Forgetting Catastrophe in Quantization-Aware Training

Primary LanguagePython

Overcoming Forgetting Catastrophe in Quantization-Aware Training (LifeQuant)

ICCV 2023 Accepted Paper - Quantization, Efficient Inference, Lifelong Learning

  • Motivations:
    1. to overcome quantization models forgetting the learned space on old task data
    1. to employ as few as replay data (old task data) for memory efficiency, but to avoid forgetting the old tasks
  • Methods:
    1. ProxQ: to regularize the quantization space when learning new task data
    1. BaLL: to strengthen the weighting of the few replay data (i.e., rebalancing)


  • python3
  • pytorch==1.7.1
  • cudatoolkit==11.0.221
  • numpy==1.19.2
  • tensorboardx==1.4


  • e.g. 4-bit ResNet-20 on CIFAR-100-LL (gamma = 25).

Data Preparation

  • e.g. CIFAR-100.
cd src/
mkdir data_dir/

Save training (testing) image data to the path src/data_dir/cifar100/. (e.g. src/data_dir/cifar100/train/apple/0001.png)

Data Generation - Lifelong Data

1. Generate lifelong data
  • e.g. CIFAR-100-LL (3 tasks with 25% classes forgot whenerver task switches).
cd lifelong_data_generation/
python3 lifeLongDataGeneator.py --data_dir "src/data_dir/cifar100/" --output_csv "cifar100.csv" --num_tasks 3 --diminish_rate 25 --source train

Files 'cifar100_train.csv', 'cifar100_train0.csv', 'cifar100_train1.csv', and 'cifar100_train2.csv' are shown under lifelong_data_generation/cifar100_025.

  • 'cifar100_train.csv': all training data
  • 'cifar100_train$i$.csv': the i-th task of training data

Testing data files can be generated by setting the argument --source test.

2. Generate replay data
  • e.g. CIFAR-100-LL (20% old task data are added to the new tasks).
python3 replayDataGeneator.py --data_dir "lifelong_data_generation/data_dir/cifar100_025/" --output_csv "cifar100.csv" --num_tasks 3 --replay_rate 0.2

Files 'cifar100_replay0.csv', 'cifar100_replay1.csv', and 'cifar100_replay2.csv' are shown under lifelong_data_generation/cifar100_025 as well.

  • 'cifar100_replay$i$.csv': the replay data from the j-th task (for all j < i) to be added to the i-th task.

ps. No testing data should be replayed.

3. Count number of samples of each class

This step is for our second method, BaLL.

cp count_classes.py lifelong_data_generation/data_dir/cifar100_025/
python3 count_classes.py

ps. Note that if the number of tasks is not 3, Lines 8-11 in count_classes.py should be modified to include all generated training data.

Training & Testing

  • e.g. 4-bit ResNet-20 on CIFAR-100-LL.
1. Copy the generated data for training
cd src/resnet-20-cifar-100/
cp -r ../../lifelong_data_generation/data_dir/cifar100_025/ data/

Generated csv files are copied under data/.

2. Pretraining
  • 32-bit
python3 main.py --gpus 0 --csv_dir data/cifar100_025/ --method lifeq --lr 0.001 --num_tasks 1 --job_dir pretrained/resnet/t_32_025_0  --pretrained False --bitW 32 --abitW 32
  • 8-bit
python3 main.py --gpus 0 --csv_dir data/cifar100_025/ --method life_q --ll_method ours  --balanced True --lr 0.001 --num_tasks 1 --job_dir experiment/life_q/ours_/resnet/t_8_32_025_0 --source_dir pretrained/ --source_file resnet/t_32_025_0/checkpoint/model_best.pt --bitW 8 --abitW 8
2. Quantize & Test
  • 4-bit
python3 main.py --gpus 0 --csv_dir data/cifar100_025/ --method life_q --ll_method ours  --balanced True --num_tasks 3 --job_dir experiment/life_q/ours_/resnet/t_4_8_025_3 --source_dir experiment/ --source_file life_q/ours/resnet/t_8_32_025_0/checkpoint/model_best.pt --bitW 4 --abitW 4


    author    = {Chen, Ting-An and Yang, De-Nian and Chen, Ming-Syan},
    title     = {Overcoming Forgetting Catastrophe in Quantization-Aware Training},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)},
    month     = {October},
    year      = {2023},
    pages     = {17358-17367}