
Fetch Android appdata/ from Google Drive

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Tries to fetch the contents of the appdata hidden folder from Google Drive.

Helps identify what Android applications might be saving/backing up on Google Drive.


pip install --upgrade google-api-python-client


Requires Google account and password. Creating an app-specific password instead of using the raw password is recommended.

Specify either a package name and signature (SHA-1 hash of the raw signing certificate), or a packages.xml file (extracted from device).

Device ID is optional, should be either ANDROID_ID or GMS device ID.

When using packages.xml will try to fetch data from all packages (including internal/system ones). This can be time consuming and run into rate limiting. Use with care. You can use a combination of --packages-xml and --target-package to target a specific package.

Downloaded files will be saved in the current directory under:

appdata-<account name>-<timestamp>/<package name>/


./get-gdrive-appdata.py --account foo.bar.baz@gmail.com  --password foo.bar.baz \
--target-package com.example.app --target-package-sig 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000

References, etc