
Players' Game Rating Platform

Primary LanguageJavaScript

team42: Player One - The Player's Game Rating Platform


@koichishi @tingfengx @jujubeee @way1998

This project is an React application on game rating and sharing. To use this app, please follow the following steps.

Installing and running locally

Important: Please do not refresh on the main page for many time, we have a very limited cloudinary quota
  1. clone git repo:
    git clone https://github.com/tingfengx/player-one.git
  2. go to project top level directory:
    cd team42/
  3. Install dependencies and build client and start the local server using the convenient shell script
    sh local-start.sh
    or alternatively, you can do this manuelly by
    cd player-one/client/ && npm install && npm run build && cd ../api/ && npm install && npm start
  4. The app should be available at localhost:5000, have fun. (We will refer to localhost:5000/ as root from now on)

Viewing the deployed app

The app is deployed via heroku, and it is available at https://player-1.herokuapp.com/. (as before, we will refer to https://player-1.herokuapp.com/ as our root)

Overview of functionalities

Main Page

Once you open up root page, you can see the main page for our site. It is consist of the following

  • A navigation bar at the top, with game categories for users to choose games to browse as well as login and sign up buttons. (also a search bar implemented in phase 2)
    • The "featured" tab contains five hottest games,
    • The remaining five tabs are five different genres, and each tab should contain five hottest games in that genre.
    • Search Bar: You can type in the box to filter the search results, or click the small downward arrow at the right end to expand the selection list and select a game from there. Once you select your game of interest, you should be redirected to the game's page.
  • Five pictures of 5 featured games shown as Carousel Slides.The Carousel sides is set to be auto play with stop of 5 seconds for each picture. Notice that these five games are exactly the same as those ones in the featured tab. Our design intention is that hottest games at the time of openning up the page should be more eye-grasping and thus making the user stay on our website longer. : )
  • Below the large carousel slides, is the section for showing games from different genres. Each genre has a short description associated with it, and five hottest games' pictures in that genre shown in the small carousel slides.

Default Available Login Credentials (SIGN IN)

You can login to the app by clicking the SIGNIN button at the top right of the main page. There are the following three login credentials hardcoded into our app currently, they are

  • For user: username user with password user, it is intended to be a normal player's user account.
  • For superuser: username superuser with password superuser. A super user represents a professional agency, could be game rating company or game makers, etc.
  • For admin: username admin with password admin; This is the account of the admin of the site. Unlike the previous two types of users, an admin is allowed to modify other users' data, including but not limited to changing password, adding user, deleting user.


You can sign yourself up as a normal user by clicking the sign up button to the right end of the top navigation bar. Once you have successfully signed up for our webapp, you should immediately notice that you are signed in, and you can no longer see the sign in/ sign up buttons. In stead, you will see your username displayed at the top right.

Account Page For User/ Superuser

An user (superuser or user) has access to his/her own account page after successful login. An account page is where a user can view/edit profile and view recent activities. To go to the account page, please click My Account in the dropdown menu displayed when you hover your mouse over the username at the top right corner.

In the account page, an user is currently able to:

  • change avatar by uploading an image
  • view the total number of his/her reviews and likes received for them
  • view his/her personal bio
  • add a new tag to describe himself/herself or his/her favorite games
  • view a list of recently liked games and go to that game page by clicking the link
  • view a list of recent reviews and go to that games page by clicking the link

Manage Page For Admin

After successful login, an admin user can access the Manege page by clicking Manage in the dropdown menu displayed when hovering mouse over the admin user name.

In the Admin page, he/she can

  • Manage Users

    • View all the current users in the database.
    • Add a new user by providing Username, Password and also userType. The min length of password is 4 and userType is limited to user or superuser, otherwise there will be an alert and the admin need to retype. After successfully added the user to the database, the newly added user will show up at the top of the user list.
    • Override an existing user's password by entering a new password in the NewPassword field and click on the UPDATE button. On Success, there will be an alert showing up,prompting the new password and the new password is also updated in the database.
    • remove an existing user by clicking the remove button in that user entry And that user will be removed from database and also disappear from the user list.
  • Manage Games .

    • View all the current games in the database.
    • Add a new game by entering the name, introduction Text, publisher, developer and genre of a game. All the banlks have to be filled otherwise there will be an alert saying fill the blanks. And also for each game, we need to add 5 pictures by clicking choose file and choose exactly 5 pictures, or there will still be an alert to saying add 5 pictures. After doing all of these, click ADD GAME, and the new game will be added to the database and also show at the top of game list.
    • remove an existing game by clicking the remove button in that game entry. And that game will be removed from database and also disappear from the game list.

Game Page

Anyone can view the game page without signing in into the app, however, for he/she to make a comment/long comment depending on the type of user that he/she is, logging in is required. There are in total 26 hardcoded games for our app at initial state.

  • For User: A general user can add comment for games, press like/dislike buttons for a game, and press like/dislike/funny buttons for comments and long comments.

    • The user can like/ dislike the game. The user can only either dislike or like the game, i.e. he/she can't both like the game and dislike the game. Also, the user can't like or dislike the game more than once. Notice that if a user has previously liked the game, then when he/she press dislike button, the number of dislikes is incremented, and his like for the game is automatically cancelled. This also holds when the user has previously disliked the game, and wish to press like now.
    • The user can press like/dislike/funny for long comments and short comments. The like and dislike work exactly the same as those for the game, which is described above. The funny button is independent, and intentioanlly designed such that one can press it as many times as he want. (so maybe some comment is really funny but not quite related to the game, then the user saw it can click funny a few times. )
    • The user can add his/her new comment by typing a new comment message in the text input box and then hitting the SUBMIT button below. The new comment will be added to the top of existing comment list.
    • The user can also modify the the comment that he/she left by entering a new comment and press the button below. You can see that the old comment being replaced by the new one. (when a comment is modified, the like/dislike/funny counts are reset to zero, since a modification in comment could make the comment have a entirely different meaning and we think it would be wierd if it still has likes/dislikes/funny from the previous version.)
    • Note: The current policy for these short comments is that it has to be longer than 30 characters (informative) and less than 500 characters (not too long). Also, the submitted comment will replace all the newline 'returns' with spaces. We did this because it is possible that some malicious user type a lot of returns in some comment and this might ruin the user experience for others.
  • For Superuser: A super user can do anything that a normal user can do, and in addition to that, he/she can add long comments for the game. By clicking the want to share your review? expansion panel, the super user can see an interface for entering a new long comment. As opposed to short comments, long comments have to be at least 500 characters long. Also, long comments represent a third-party professional agency, which expect to be an independent association or a company's, viewpoint on the game. Hence, to avoid any confusion, we do not allow professional users to modify the contents of the long comment.

  • For Admin: We think admin should be limited to his/her own job and should not use the admin account for personal opinion, for example, writing a comment. Hence, the only thing that the admin is allowed to do on a game page is to delete comments/long comments. The admin can do so by clicking the delete button associated with the comment that he/she wants to delete.

Overview of routes

User API

  • GET /users

    • Get a list of users (for admin only)
    • Input: cookie: userId
    • Output: a list of users with detailed user info
  • POST /users

    • Add a new user
    • Input: body(json): username, password, userType(can be user, superuser or admin)
    • Output: the newly created user with detailed user info
  • POST /users/login

    • Sign in
    • Input: body(json): username, password
    • Output: the authenticated user with detailed user info, also set cookie userId, username and userType
  • GET /users/:userId

    • Get a user (for admin or the user himself/herself)
    • Input: cookie: userId. path parameter: userId
    • Output: the user with detailed user info
  • DELETE /users/:userId

    • Delete a user (for admin only)
    • Input: cookie: userId. path parameter: userId
    • Output: the deleted user with detailed user info
  • PUT /users/:userId/password

    • Update the password of a user (for admin or the user himself/herself)
    • Input: cookie: userId. path parameter: userId. body(json): password
    • Output: the updated user with detailed user info
  • PUT /users/:userId/avatar

    • Update the avatar of a user (for the user himself/herself only)
    • Input: cookie: userId. path parameter: userId. body(json): avatarId(URL of the image)
    • Output: the updated user with detailed user info
  • PUT /users/:userId/bio

    • Update the bio of a user (for the user himself/herself only)
    • Input: cookie: userId. path parameter: userId. body(json): bio
    • Output: the updated user with detailed user info
  • PUT /users/:userId/tags/:type

    • Update the tags of a user (for the user himself/herself only)
    • Input: cookie: userId. path parameter: userId, type(can be profile or game). body(json): tags(array of string)
    • Output: the updated user with detailed user info

Game/Comment API

  • GET /games/

    • Get hottest five games for each Genre, the hottest five games overall, and all games' names and ids
    • Hottest games: games with more than 100 thumbUp plus thumbDown with the highest thumbUp rate ( thumbUp/(thumbUp+thumbDown) )
    • (If not enough games with more than 100 thumbUp plus thumbDown, then the games with less or equal number will be considered as well)
    • Input: N/A
    • Output: {hottestGamesForGenre: 5 games per Genre, hottestGames: 5 hottest games, allGames: all games with only name and _id}
  • GET /games/allGames

    • Get all the Game objects stored in the data base
    • Input: N/A
    • Output: array of all the game objects available in the database
  • POST /games/addGame

    • Add a new game to the website
    • Input: body(json): a game model's properties except likedUsers and dislikedUsers, which are meant to be empty at the first.
    • Output: a new game object successfully added
  • GET /games/:game_id

    • Get a game
    • Input: path parameter: game_id
    • Output: the game with corresponding _id equals to game_id
  • PATCH /games/:game_id

    • Modify a game's property/properties (click a thumbUp/thumbDown)
    • Input: path parameter: game_id, body(json): {username, game(a new game object)}
    • Output: the game with corresponding _id equals to game_id modified respects to game
  • DELETE /games/:game_id

    • Delete a game and all the comments about it
    • Input: path parameter: game_id
    • Output: an object contains the deleted objects: {longComments: long Comments of this game, shortComments: short Comments of this game,game: this game object}
  • POST /games/addComment

    • Add a new comment
    • Input: body(json): {isLong: <specify if is a long comment; undefined if not LongComment>, <comment object properties>}
    • Output: the added comment object
  • PATCH /games/comments/:comm_id

    • Modify a comment's property/properties (click a thumbUp/thumbDown/funny or edit the comment)
    • If have a newCommentBody, then it is an editing action, the thumbUp/thumbDown/funny will be set to 0
    • Input: path parameter: comm_id, body(json): {username: <username> isLong : <specify if is a long comment; undefined if not long comment>, (OPTIONAL) newCommentBody: string, thumbUp: <number to be thumbUp>, thumbDown: <number to be thumbDown>, funny: <number to be funny>}
    • Output: the comment with corresponding _id equals to comm_id modified respects to input body
  • DELETE /games/comments/:comm_id

    • Delete a comment
    • Input: body(json): {isLong: <specify if is a long comment; null if short comment>}
    • Output: {Comment: Comment been deleted}
  • GET /games/comments/byUser/:user_id

    • Get an array of comments which are commented with the user with _id equals to user_id
    • Input: path parameter: user_id
    • Output: {longComments: long comments commented by the user, shortComments: short comments commented by the user}