
A no-brainer solution to turning your Obsidian PKM into a Zola site.

Primary LanguageSCSSMIT LicenseMIT

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Existing users, please update your netlify.toml's build.command and clear your netlify cache via Deploys => Trigger Deploy => Clear cache and deploy site. The latest (breaking) version uses obsidian-export to support more features.


This repo contains an easy-to-use (read: simplistic) solution for converting an Obsidian Personal Knowledge Management System (read: bunch of random Markdowns) into a Zola site.

Disclaimer: This repo is forked from the Adidoks theme. However, several changes are made to alter / improve the user experience.


Step 1: Setup Netlify

  • Turn your Obsidian vault folder into a Git repository
  • Create a Netlify site pointing to that Git repository

Step 2: Edit netlify.toml

  • Create netlify.toml in your Obsidian vault folder
  • Copy the content from netlify.example.toml in this repo and replace the placeholders

Step 3: You're Done! Push your changes and enjoy your new site! If you encounter any deployment issues (due to breaking changes), please go to netlify's Deploys => Trigger Deploy => Clear cache and deploy site to clear the cache.


Example site

Example repo

Obsidian Features


This tool is made for people who use Obsidian as a simple and efficient note-taking app (or PKM). If you configured your Obsidian with plenty of fancy shortcodes, plugins and Obsidian-specific syntax, this tool would not (and does not intend) to support those features.


  • Typical Markdown syntax
  • Strikethroughs
  • Tables
  • Single-line footnotes (i.e. [^1] in the paragraph and [^1]: xxx later)
  • Checkboxes
  • Link escaping pattern: [Slides Demo](<Slides Demo>)


  • Non-image / note embeds (e.g. videos, audio, PDF). They will be turned into links.
  • Image resizing
  • Highlighting text
  • Comments
  • Inline / Multi-line footnotes
  • Mermaid Diagrams

Zola Features (vs the original AdiDoks)

First of all, this repo is fully customized for Obsidian PKMs. Of course you can still use it like a regular Zola theme, but it might lack some flexibility in terms of customization.


Search Function

Partial strings are supported now. Since PKM often invole plenty of jargons and the default elasticlunr (of course) cannot do proper stemming on those words, partial string search is an absolute must when it comes to PKM searching.


Changed default font to Inter for a neater interface.

Changed monospace font to Fira Code because who doesn't love font ligatures?


Updated KaTEX to latest version and loads KaTEX by default. Since who on earth builds a PKM without any LaTEX :)

Table of Content

Again, who wants to write a PKM page without proper TOC navigation :))

Small Chanages

Change Default Content

Default footers, licenses and menu items are gone. Bye and see you never!

Example Site Materials

Deleted example site content and stuff to prevent a bloated repo :)