
A Http Server in Java

Primary LanguageJava


HTTP/1.0 server in Java


  • open a listen socket that could handle HTTP/1.0 requests.

  • compatible clients (e.g. a web browser such as Mozilla Firefox)can connect to in order to request pages and files.

  • HTTP/1.0 is defined in RFC 1945, available from http://tools.ietf.org/pdf/rfc1945.pdf

  • arguments: <port number> <root name> <-r | -R> <log path>

    • root name: the folder to host the file e.g. ./root
    • -r: turn on the log
    • -R: turn on the log and reset the log file
  • Log is implemented in observer pattern. The new log could be easily integrated.


  • Check the availability and last-modified data of each link in a page.
  • Retrieve each working page which has a last-modified data within the last 6 months.
  • For each retrieved page, out put all the headings of that page.