
A multi-player Javscript game host app with a framework

Primary LanguageJava


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Servit is based on Node.js, which uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model. So the game running on the server just need to handle serval events to transmit data to server and send to every client.

The Client class is used as the client of the game and transmitting data between server and client. You can simply create a new connection by creating an instance of Client.

How to run the game

  1. Put your game file in the folder: /YourSdCard/serveIt.
  2. Open the Servit android app.
  3. Run the app. Following the instruction in the app to run the server. Remember the port number on the screen.
  4. Once success, open your bowser, go to "{port number}". Change the {port number} with your port number in app.
  5. Play now!


  1. If you add a new game to the ``, rerun the Servit app to import the game in it.