
Script to launch a randomly installed Steam Game

Primary LanguageRuby

Steam Game Picker

Struggling to pick a Steam game? Run this script to launch a random Steam Game that you already have installed!

Indecision is the enemy of fun!

How to use it


  • Ruby
  • Windows (10+)
  • Steam
  • Installed Games
  • Editing knowledge of .yml files
  • Knowledge of where your Steam Libraries are


  1. Open the config.yml file and update it with the right locations
  2. Open a terminal and cd to wherever you have cloned this repo
  3. Run ruby pick_a_game.rb (Or ./pick_a_game.rb if your system allows)
  4. Profit???

Implementation notes

Games are launched using the Steam browser protocol. (IE: steam://rungameid/239030)

To do this, the script needs to know the Steam appids you have installed. The script does this by reading the appmanifest files in your Steam Libraries and parses for the appid contained within and builds a list of these appids.

After the index is built & numbered, I just pick a random number and select the game in the list at that index to launch.

NOTE: These appmanifest files are in the Valve KeyValues Data Format (VDF). I couldn't find a good Ruby library for this, so I'm writing my own in /lib/vdf_ruby (See README in that directory for more details)