
Just converted original repo(hasinhayder/fifawc) into Myanmar timezone and ZawGyi font.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Web application for 2018 world cup fixtures with up-to-date results.


Deploy to Surge

D:\projects\fifawc (master)
λ surge

    Surge - surge.sh

              email: tinhtun.86@gmail.com
              token: *****************
       project path: D:\projects\fifawc\
               size: 12 files, 365.5 KB
             domain: zawgyi-worldcup.surge.sh
             upload: [====================] 100%, eta: 0.0s
   propagate on CDN: [====================] 100%
               plan: Free
         IP Address:

    Success! Project is published and running at zawgyi-worldcup.surge.sh