
Workshop on Git and GitHub+Making a new PR

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Introduction to Git and GitHub

A simple website created to teach students the basics of version control in software development using git and Github for a workshop conducted by Nexus, SJCET.

Speaker: Athul Cyriac Ajay



  • Fork this repo and clone it to your local machine (git clone <fork_url>).

  • Create file with your name seperated by - or _ in the content folder.

  • Add the template given below and fill in the respective details.

    name: "Your Name"
    desc: "About You"
    college: "College Name"
    web: "website"
    github: "github username"

    The name, desc, college and github fields are mandatory. If you do not have a website set those fields to none like so:

    web: "none"
  • Commit your changes with a proper commit message and push your changes to fork.

  • Open a pull request against the main branch of this repo from your fork.

  • Wait for someone to review the changes. After review, the maintainer will either merge your changes or suggest changes if required.
