
Castle Frankenstein 2.0

Castle Frankenstein 2.0

Castle Frankenstein 2.0 upgrades include:

  • Larger map and new tank enemies (tanks are cyan color on minimap).
  • Five difficulty levels. Level 1 is the easiest, but hard enough to be a challenge.
  • Mouse enabled turning for better aiming. In mouse mode left/right turn keys can be used to strafe left/right instead.
  • Coffins can spawn more zombies so don't get too close to them or kill stuff by them or you won't be able to get the bullets they drop without spawning another one.
  • It is harder to get so close to a wall that you end up looking outside the maze now which makes moving faster a lot less confusing and the experience better.
  • Player can die, when this happens you respawn at the start with full health, half the starting ammo, and get a time penalty.
  • Monsters migrate towards you to attack when they have a lot of life left and away from you when their health is low. You lose life when they collide with you. You cannot shoot them if they are right on top of you, move back a bit! Watch your back, they can sneak up on you!
  • Finite bullets and health (if you run out of bullets you can search around for ammo items or allow yourself to be killed by monsters to respawn)
  • Monsters drop bullets when killed (tanks drop more, zombies drop random amount)
  • Randomly located ammo, time bonus and health pack items that automatically pick up when the player is close and they can benefit the player. Health is red on minimap, extra ammo and time bonuses are hidden.
  • At a distance coffins and tanks can look a alike, don't waste your ammo shooting coffins.
  • You can turn off the music for slightly better performance and to hear the other sound effects better.

CF2.ISO.C contains a version for vanilla TempleOS (no mouse movement) and for TinkerOS

CF2.ZC is for ZealOS which should work once [Zeal-Operating-System/ZealOS#93] is merged.