
Coolest way to work with Recycler and Adapter

Primary LanguageKotlinApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Build your RecyclerView screens fast with less duplication and provide more reusability. This library was inspired by AdapterDelegates but have some important differences. More info in Motivation section



Add dependencies to your build.gradle

// pure base lib dependency without any concurrent work
implementation 'ru.tinkoff.mobile:ti-recycler:2.2.1'
// or 
// version with RxJava2 
implementation 'ru.tinkoff.mobile:ti-recycler-rx2:2.2.1'
// or
// coroutines(Flow) version
implementation 'ru.tinkoff.mobile:ti-recycler-coroutines:2.2.1'

How to use it

Create your own instance of ViewTyped, let it be TextUi:

data class TextUi(
    val text: CharSequence,
    val background: Int? = null,
    val textSizeSp: Float = 16F,
    @ColorRes val textColorRes: Int = android.R.color.black,
    override val viewType: Int = R.layout.item_text,
    override val uid: String = text.toString()
) : ViewTyped

Then create instance of BaseRxViewHolder for this TextUi type:

open class TextUiViewHolder(view: View, clicks: TiRecyclerClickListener) :
    BaseViewHolder<TextUi>(view, clicks) {

    private val binding = ItemTextBinding.bind(view)

    override fun bind(item: TextUi) = with(binding) {
        title.text = item.text
        title.textSize = item.textSizeSp
        title.setTextColor(ContextCompat.getColor(title.context, item.textColorRes))

Also we need to create instance of HolderFactory:

class SampleTiRecyclerHolderFactory : RxHolderFactory() {

    override fun createViewHolder(view: View, viewType: Int): BaseViewHolder<*>? {
        return when (viewType) {
            R.layout.item_text -> TextUiViewHolder(view, clicks)
            else -> null

And now we need to bind it all together:

override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
    val recycler = TiRecycler(binding.recyclerView, SampleTiRecyclerHolderFactory()) {
        //here we could set parameters from TiRecyclerBuilder
        // for example:
        layoutManager = LinearLayoutManager(this@DemoActivity, RecyclerView.HORIZONTAL, false)

private fun getBaseRecyclerItems(): List<ViewTyped> {
    return listOf(
        TextUi(text = "Here is simple example of TextUi"),
        HeaderUi(text = "Header 32sp", textSizeSp = 32f),
            text = "Description - Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet",
            textColorRes = android.R.color.holo_purple
            text = "Description - Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit",
            background = R.drawable.bg_rounded_grey

How react on clicks

In your activity(or you may extract this logic to another file) you should add something like this:


disposable = Observable.mergeArray(
    recycler.clickedItem<TextUi>(R.layout.item_text).map { "TextUi: ${it.text}" },
    recycler.clickedItem<HeaderUi>(R.layout.item_header).map { "HeaderUi: ${it.text}" },
).subscribe {
    Toast.makeText(this, it, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show()


lifecycleScope.launch {
            .map { "TextUi: ${it.text}" },
            .map { "HeaderUi: ${it.text}" },
        .collect { Toast.makeText(this, it, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show() }

How to use swipe to dismiss

First of all, you need to create a callback helper class

    dismissibleViewType = youViewType,
    icon = yourDrawable,
    dismissBackgroundColor = Color.RED,
    normalBackgroundColor = Color.WHITE,
    elevation = 1f,
    cornerRadius = 2f,
    drawableOffsetInDp = 24,

and add it to itemDismissCallbacks in you builder function for TiRecycler (TiRecyclerCoroutines for coroutines version or TiRecyclerRx for Rx version)

TiRecyclerCoroutines<ViewTyped>(recyclerView, holderFactory) {
    itemDismissCallbacks += ItemDismissTouchHelperCallback()

and after it, you can collect events via recycler.swipeToDismiss method

How to use custom actions

You need:

  • implement your own action with extends from TiRecyclerCustomActionFlow/TiRecyclerCustomActionObservable
  • add it to map in your holder factory
class YourHolderFactory : HolderFactory() {

    private val yourCustomAction = YourCustomAction()

    override val customActions: Map<KClass<*>, RecyclerCustomActionObservable<*, *>>
        get() = mapOf(YourCustomAction::class to yourCustomAction)

    override fun createViewHolder(view: View, viewType: Int): BaseViewHolder<*>? {
        when (viewTyped) {
            R.layout.your_view_holder_layout -> YourCustomViewHolder(view, yourCustomAction)

class YourCustomViewHolder(
    view: View,
    customAction: YourCustomAction,
) : BaseViewHolder<YourUiModel>(view) {

    init {
        customAction.accept(this, view)

and collect events via recycler.customAction(viewType)

More examples you can see in sample project


RU: Habr


TiRecycler is available under the Apache License 2.0. See the LICENSE file for more info.