Terraform AWS S3 Static Website Hosting

Project Description:

  • In this project, I developed a streamlined infrastructure for hosting a static website using Terraform and Amazon Web Services (AWS) S3. The primary goal of this project is to demonstrate the automated provisioning and deployment of a web hosting solution for static websites.



Key Components and Features:

Terraform Infrastructure as Code (IaC):

I utilized Terraform, an IaC tool, to define and provision the AWS resources required for my static website hosting solution. This allows for version-controlled, repeatable infrastructure deployments.

AWS S3 Bucket:

I created an S3 bucket to store and serve the static website files. This bucket is configured for website hosting, allowing for easy content delivery.

Content Upload and Management:

I provided instructions and scripts for uploading and managing my website content within the S3 bucket.

Steps :

Step 1: Set Up Your Development Environment

aws configure

Step 2: Define Your Website Content


Step 3: Terraform Configuration File Syntax

  • Create terraform files for s3 bucket create and upload the website source code.



Step 4: Define output variable for s3 endpoint url to access website.

output "websiteendpoint" {
value = aws_s3_bucket.bucket1.website_endpoint

Step 5:Terraform to provisioning the resources

terraform init
terraform plan
terraform apply -auto-approve

Step 6: Verify the Output

  • aws_s3_bucket.bucket1 has changed


Step 7: Destroy the all resources

terraform destroy --auto-approve