
CKAN Compose

Primary LanguageDockerfile



A Docker-compose based setup for CKAN with support for running commands via Ahoy. This is really lightweight development environment for CKAN. It is not intended for production use.

🌟 Features

  • Dockerized CKAN environment.
  • Manage CKAN services using the Ahoy command-line tool.
  • Easily set the project name and other configurations via the .env file.
  • Pre-configured services:
    • Postgres
    • Solr
    • Redis

🔧 Prerequisites

🚀 Setup

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/tino097/ckan-compose.git
    cd ckan-compose

📦 Usage

ahoy generate-env
ahoy up

🛠️ Ahoy Commands

  • build: Build the project.
  • cli: Start a shell inside a container.
  • down: Delete the project (CAUTION).
  • generate-env: Generate a .env file with values entered via prompt.
  • logs: View logs.
  • ps: Check processes running inside the container.
  • restart: Restart the project.
  • stop: Stops the project.
  • up: Build and start the project.
  • init: Initialize a new .ahoy.yml config file in the current directory.

🔧 Configuration

Service configurations are loaded from the .env file. The project name and other values can be replaced in the compose file. For instance, setting the PROJECT_NAME variable in .env will influence container names, volume names, etc.

🤝 Contributing

If you wish to contribute, please submit a pull request or create an issue to discuss the changes.