This project should speed up testing of the CKAN packages built with ckan-packaging.
My idea is to create multi-machine Vagrantfile to set up required enviroments:
* Ubuntu 12.04 (Trusty)
* Ubuntu 14.04 (Precise)
* Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial)
and pass CKAN package version as parameter and later to be installed by executing the provsioning shell script. In future could be used Ansible. This script should set up CKAN as described in docs
When starting the vagrant box, we should provide CKAN version e.g 2.7 as argument and define which box to be started
$ ver='2.7' vagrant up trusty-ckan
vagrant destroy
before installing new package on same environment
As part of the CKAN package installer, selenium tests are added. These tests should check if the package is sucessfully installed and perform basic tesing of the CKAN instance.
To be able to start tests first create virtual environment with
$ virtualenv default
Install selenium
(default)$ pip install selenium
Download webdirver, for this project im using Chrome webdriver
After downloading unzip it to:
(default)$ unzip
Move the webdriver to /usr/local/bin
Tests should be started by navigating to selenium-ckan-testing
folder and install pytests
(default)$ pip install pytest
(default)$ pytest ckan
To be continued ...