A Python script to determine the After Effects Version used to save the project.
I share this little script in the expectation that the community shares more data on the different After Effects builds.
py afx-version-check.py PROJECTFILE.aep
Under the folder aftereffects_projects there are some project files to test the script
For example: py afx-version-check.py aftereffects_projects/2023_23-3-0_build53.aep
- Get a HEX-Editor
- Open your After Effects project file in the HEX-Editor and go to the position 20(as Decimals) or 32(as HEX)
- The bytes should begin with 00 5E, 00 5D or 00 5C
- Copy these bytes including the next 5 bytes. You and up with something like this 00 5E 00 04 0B 39 86
- Take your new information and add a new line in the ae-builds.json file according to the other examples
- Example: 00 5E 00 04 0B 39 86 will be
{"hex": "005E00040B3986", "version": "2023, v23.3.0"},
- Whereas 23.3.0 is the version given in After Effects under "Help" -> "About After Effects"
- Commit your addition or just write and issue containing your new data
Thank you.