University of Electronic Science and Technology 2017 Comprehensive Course Design Topics.
Implement a simple web server and implement the relevant request handling mechanism
(1) Learn to understand the HTTP protocol principles and protocol formats;
(2) Designing a Web server: (a) Developing a multi-threaded server communication program that can receive remote data, each thread corresponding to a TCP link; (b) Defining the HTTP request/response data transmission format; (c) Developing a data parsing module (d) Develop server handlers corresponding to HTTP methods such as GET and POST; (e) Send a response message to the client upon completion of the request message processing, and send a corresponding error response if the server error occurs.
(3) Use a web browser to test the server and demonstrate it online.
Epoll + thread pool
The boost library needs to be installed. Since Epoll is used, it must be run under a Linux system.
Using Ubuntu as an example, you can use the following command to install the boost library.
Sudo apt-get install libboost-dev
Set the server file path in the httpServer.cpp file: absolute path, as shown below
Const char HttpServe::rootDir_[] = "/home/tinoryj/Documents/Code/Server/webSrc";
At the same time, set the home page file name as follows:
Const char HttpServe::homePage_[] = "index.html";
After setting the file path in httpServer.cpp, set the number of thread pool threads in webEpollThreadPool.cpp. (can be ignored)
After entering the project folder, you can directly use the make directive to complete the build link and generate the executable file webEpollThreadPool. The port number needs to be added at startup, as shown below:
Sudo ./webEpollThreadPool 80
./webEpollThreadPool 8080
Specify the port number, and use sudo to open the port in the range of 0-1023.
Epoll + 线程池
sudo apt-get install libboost-dev
const char HttpServe::rootDir_[] = "/home/tinoryj/Documents/Code/Server/webSrc";
const char HttpServe::homePage_[] = "index.html";
在进入工程文件夹后,可直接使用make指令完成编译链接,生成可执行文件webEpollThreadPool。 启动时需要添加端口号,如下所示:
sudo ./webEpollThreadPool 80
./webEpollThreadPool 8080