
This is a sample of an HR solution, please do not use it in Production. This Microsoft Teams app sample could be used by an HR department within a Microsoft Teams client. The app will facilitate the department's hiring of new talent into the organization, provide immediate interview feedback, schedule interview loops, and improve the overall hiring process of new employees. Contoso HR Talent App will help you understand how to transform hiring and candidate management flow of new talent and make it more interactive and responsive for HR teams and interviewees. This is a sample of the HR solution, please do not use it in a Production environment.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


This is a sample of the HR solution, please do not use it in a Production environment.

A Microsoft Teams app that will be used by the Human Resources department within their Microsoft Teams clients. The app will facilitate the department's hiring of new talent into the organization, provide immediate interview feedback, schedule interview loops, and improve the overall hiring process of new employees. Contoso HR Talent App will help you understand how to transform hiring and candidate management flow of new talent and make it more interactive and responsive for HR teams and interviewees.

The lab file is attached, but it would require extra steps on your part to setup your own O365 Tenant and pre-create Teams, Channels, Personas. Please use it for your reference.


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