
A simple social media app that allows users to post interesting events that happened in their lives, and Authentication

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Project: Memories Application


  • Phrase 1 + 2: 02 - Nov - 2020 ~> 08 - Nov - 2020
  • Phrase 3 (Authentication): 26 - Mar - 2021


  • A simple social media app that allows users to post interesting events that happened in their lives.
  • Build and Deploy a Full Stack MERN App
    • React
    • Redux
    • Node
    • Express
    • MongoDB
  • Authentication:
    • Login with Email (JWT)
    • Login with Google
    • Token Expiry
  • Role for Users
    • User can views the posts, but can't like or any actions
    • Login for create new post
    • Only delete/edit information of posts that user's was create
  • Responsive is support for all screen


  • memories-application


Live Site:

Live Server:


  • Client:

    • react
    • @material-ui/core
    • react-redux
    • redux@4.0.5
    • redux-thunk@2.3.0
    • axios@0.21.0
    • react-file-base64@1.0.3
    • moment@2.29.1
    • jwt-decode@3.1.2
    • react-google-login@5.2.2
  • Server:

    • body-parser@1.19.0
    • express@4.17.1
    • mongoose@5.10.11
    • cors@2.8.5
    • nodemon
    • morgan
    • jsonwebtoken@8.5.1
    • bcryptjs@2.4.3

Plan Of Action

Phrase 1:

  • Initial Project
  • Draw Architecture Structure
  • Backend Setup
  • Frontend Setup
  • server: index.js Setup
  • MongoDB Setup
  • Connecting to the Database in cloud.mongodb
  • Routing
  • Backend Folder Structure
  • Controllers
  • JSX Structure
  • Styling
  • setup Redux
  • Form structure JSX
  • Create a Post and send to server
  • fetch Posts from server and load to UI
  • Update Post in server
  • Update Post in client
  • Delete Post in server
  • Delete Post in client
  • Like Post in server
  • Like Post in client
  • Fix UI
  • Mobile Responsive
  • Environmental Variables
  • Deploy /server to heroku
  • Deploy /client to firebase
  • Add custom domain to /client
  • Write README.md Document
  • Screenshot of UI

Phrase 2:

  • Refactor Layout with router
  • Auth Form UI
  • Google OAuth
  • JWT Login
  • JWT Auth Backend
  • Auth Middleware
  • JWT Login Frontend
  • User Actions
  • Like, delete & edit
  • Token Expiry
  • Deployment

After this project

I have improve my knowledge about

  • how to use redux in project
  • separate each models, controllers, routes,
  • Deploy client to firebase
  • Styles CSS with Material-UI

I have understand about

  • how to apply redux thunk to project
  • structure with Material-UI
  • how to style component with makeStyles
  • working with mongoDB
  • send database to cloud (cloud.mongodb.com)
  • how to send setState of useState to children
  • how to count a like of Post in server
  • Deploy server to heroku
  • Google OAuth
  • what is Middleware and how to apply it in to project
  • what is JWT and how to use
  • JWT Auth Backend & Frontend
  • Role for User Actions
  • Token Expiry


  • CAN'T login with Google when deploy, but in localhost it can
  • when update new hashtags of post, but data is updated:
error.message TypeError: Cannot destructure property 'data' of '(intermediate value)' as it is undefined.
  at posts.js:24
  • CAN'T import img that has large size
  • Fetch data from heroku is 5s delay.
  • when create new post, file attached is not clear

Next Steps:

  • Create Architecture document
  • Set limit of post per page, click next page to load more...

Directory Structure

├── client
└── server

Installation Guide


  • Clone this project
git clone https://github.com/tinspham209/memories-application


  • cd to /server

  • Install dependencies

npm install
  • create .env file similar with my .env.example file

  • update CONNECTION_URL with your url MongoDB Atlas

  • Start the server, project with run on PORT 5000

npm start


  • cd to /client

  • Install dependencies

npm install
  • Start the server, project with run on PORT 3000
npm start

How to deploy project

  • go to both /client & /server, and read the README.md to understand

How to upgrade project?

  • go to both /client & /server, and read the README.md to understand
  • If have any question? Open issues or Email me: tinphamvan123@gmail.com