
Online Game - Collecting all the 💩 created by the animals

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Mini Project: 💩 Poop Collection 💩

Date: 27 - Aug - 2020


A collaborative multiple player online game where YOU can be a 💩 hero by collecting all the dung created by the animals





  • Dependencies

    • ExpressJS
    • Socket.io
    • morgan
  • DevDependencies

    • nodemon


  • Javascript

Plan Of Action

  • Set up project with express
  • First layout
  • Connect Socket to server
  • Connect Socket to client
  • Create array of emoji
  • Update location of Emoji with random function
  • update logic of poop location
  • remove poop onClick function
  • update score function
  • Send ID to server by socket when onClick poop
  • Logger connected clients
  • Render score when poop Click
  • Update Logic for Poop is not re-render many times when users click many times
  • Rate Limiting for onClick - 1 second
  • Refactor:
    • createAnimal function
    • createPoop function
  • Move Animals function in server
  • Refactor:
    • collectPoop function
    • removePoop function
  • Styling for animal move
  • Move Animals function in client
  • Style grow & shrink animation poops

After this project

I have improve my knowledge about

  • Socket.IO
  • animation styles with css

I have understand about

  • Javascript ES6
  • VanillaJS
  • OOP with JS

Next Steps:

  • Deploy to GCloud App Engine

Directory Structure

├── .gitignore
├── package.json
├── package-lock.json
├── README.md
├── public
    ├── fonts
        └── fonts.css
    ├── images
        └── fence.png
    ├── app.js
    ├── index.html
    └── styles.css
└── src
    ├── index.js
    └── socket.js

Set up

  • git clone
  • npm install
  • npm start