
My Portfolio - Built with Next, Three, Framer Motion

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Tin Pham's portfolio



  • Next.js - A React framework with hybrid static & server rendering, and route pre-fetching, etc.
  • Chakra UI - A simple, modular and accessible component library for React
  • Three.js - 3D library for JavaScript
  • Framer Motion - An animation library for React
  • Spline - Designing in 3D and export to React component

Project structure

│   # Page files
├── pages
│   # React component files
├── components
│   # Non-react modules
├── lib
│   # Static files for images and 3d model file
└── public

Install dependencies:

npm install

//On Powershell
$env:NODE_OPTIONS = "--openssl-legacy-provider"

npm run dev

Need to READ

  • View image in localhost
    • please hide this object images in file next.config.js
  // images: {
  //   loader: 'imgix'
  // path: 'https://tinspham.dev/'
  // },
  • After that, pre-commit, please show object images again to view it in website


  • CI:

    • push commit to branch master
  • Manual:

firebase init
  - select public folder is out
npm run deploy
npm run build
npm run export
firebase deploy