
Website Order Burger, Tracking new Order with React, Redux, Firebase

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Mini Project: Order Burger Application

Date: 24 - Dec - 2019


  • Choose type of Burger
  • Login
  • Provide information order
  • Confirm order
  • Finish order
  • View List of Orders



  • React, Hooks
  • Redux, Hooks
  • Firebase
  • axios



Directory Structure

├── .gitignore
├── package.json
├── README.md
├── public
├── build
├── config
├── scripts
└── src
    ├── assets
        └── images
    ├── components
        ├── Burger
            ├── BuildControls
                └── BuldControl
            ├── BurgerIngredient
            └── OrderSummary
        ├── Logo
        ├── Navigation
            ├── NavigationItems
                └── NavigationItem
            ├── SideDrawer
                └── DrawerToggle
            └── Toolbar
        ├── Order
            └── CheckoutSummary
        └── UI
            ├── Backdrop
            ├── Button
            ├── Input
            ├── Modal
            └── Spinner
    ├── containers
        ├── Auth
            └── Logout
        ├── BurgerBuilder
        ├── Checkout
            └── ContactData
        └── Orders
    ├── hoc
        ├── Auxilary
        ├── Layout
        └── withErrorHandler
    ├── hooks
    ├── shared
    ├── store
        ├── actions
        ├── reducers
        └── sagas
    ├── App.js
    ├── axios-orders
    ├── index.css
    └── index.js

Set up

Use the cmd line to clone repo to your computer

git clone [github_repo_url]

Use the cmd line to install dependencies.

npm install

Run in cmd for start the dependencies server

npm start